Finding little museums, be they shrines, oddities, overlooks, monuments, or restaurants is definitely one of the passions of travel for me. The story telling goes on and on about many of these places, so lets look around the country at a few interesting places that may have not yet made it to your bucket list, your fun list, or your lets just go have an adventure list. So here I will share a bit of bling from the YELP reviews I have written about some of the places I / we have been.
A Group of Little Museums – Go See Them All!
Our set of Yelp Reviews – All by Charley Carlin
(And yes – I have been to all of these places and many more – Note these Little Museums are recommended by Stupid Vacations)
[print_link] There are a couple of dishes that our guests continue to request and never seem to tire of. Smoked birds is the BIG ONE. Whether it is a smoked chicken or smoked turkey the result is always the same. smiling faces and a pile of bones on the table. We all have favourites, I say, if you know a better recipe for smoked chickens or turkeys, please let me know!
Ok, I have given this recipe out about a thousand times and inquiring minds want to complicate the process. The key to this is to do it and get experience with your weber, your charcoal, and your weather.
The version from WEBER was called Classic Turkey Recipe – I think I may have started with their recipe – and now I have my version. – They no longer have recipes on the weber website.
Charley’s Recipe for Smoked Birds
Use a regular WEBER Kettle BBQ – Indirect fire (that means coals on the sides) – Dry Oak Bark on top of the coals
Rinse Birds, Rub with peanut oil, then salt and pepper (cayenne if you want spicier skin)
Put the chicken on the grill breast up (you can fit 3 to 4 depending on the chicken – set so the chickens do not touch each other and are over the center of the grill (not the coals) or Put the Turkey on the grill breast down (the dark meat above makes it self basting – or use a roast rack – Still Breast Down)
All the chicken needs is about 1 hour 10 minutes to 30 minutes – depending on the hot factor of your coalsThe turkey is 11 – 12 minutes per pound – maximum size for the turkey is about 16 pounds or the lid won’t fitRun the WEBER WIDE OPEN – top and bottom
Take the birds off on time – Let them cool for 5 – 10 minutes (if you can – I can’t) and start slicing
Most importantly – Stop asking questions and start cooking! Seems to me that the simpler the recipe the more questions I seem to get. The only real way to do this is to cook! So.. Bring over a bird and lets cook! I have been using this basic recipe for 15 + years. Add to the table a good merlot, a nice salad, some Garlic Cheddar Mashed Potatoes and finally some good milk chocolate to go with the second bottle of merlot and you too will be called a wizard! Charley Carlin – 2005-2010
PS – Weber used to have nice recipes on their website – Now they want to sell cook books. – So the Weber site is no longer useful – It is an online brochure. Tis a pity.