The leftovers demonstrate what epople choose so lets take a look at testing a dish and how to come to a consensus. To me this means listen carefully to the consumers (those you are serving) and look at the bowl following the meal to see what is left over. These two simple measuremenbts are key in recipe development. They have been a great guide for decades. It just works!
I am always reminded of a time we wer on the way to a pot luck at our son’s school. Everyone brought fancy salads, some of which were hard to recognize what was in them. Over initial protests from my honey, IĀ was allowed to bring a large bowl of mashed potatoes. Next to all the fancy dishes at the party, it may have seemed a bit plain. The truth was revealed at the end of the dinner party bya simple comparison of a bowl that is completely empty next to some that have barely been touched. It was easy to see that this was the most popular dish of all. That Mashed potato bowl scraped clean, and I mean really clean.
Now I love to use this measuring method when I make a new dish Such is the case with this Simple Tomato Salad. The bowl returns empty, and the guests are oh so pleased. I thinkĀ you will be too. Enjoy!

Simple and Popular Tomato Salad
A Pile of cherry or grape tomatoes, halved or quartered
A couple clove garlic, finely minced
A splash of olive oil
A splash of seasoned rice vinegar
A small pile of minced cilantro
A dash of salt
Possibly a pinch of pepper
Oh Yes, I liked to add a couple minced scallions too!
Mix it all and chill and serve!
Make it in the Morning and you have one dish for dinner completed!
Way to easy.

Charley Carlin
About The Chef
Charley Carlin loves to scan recipes on the internet and put them in the blender of his mind to create combinations that come from the ingredients he typically has in his kitchen. Flavor and colorful presentation are paro pf the joy of cooling.